Christmas Post!

Merry Christmas, my dear readers!  (And no, it’s not belated: Christmas is an octave lasting until the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary on January 1st–also a holy day of obligation.)  I’m on hiatus for a little longer, but I wrote the post linked to below for Beneath the Tangles’ Twelve Days of Christmas Anime series.  The post is essentially a meditation on how episode six of Re-Kan! reminds me of what God wished to accomplish in sending Christ to Earth.  I manage to quote G. K. Chesterton and my patron saint, St. Leo the Great,  in this post–both of whom have written very eloquently on Christmas.

Tenth Day of Christmas Anime

All the characters in Re-Kan! are fun, especialy Uehara.

All the characters in Re-Kan! are fun, especialy Uehara.

7 comments on “Christmas Post!

  1. David A says:

    Merry Christmas!

    God bless you, and your family!


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