“Stop spinning my maid without my permission”: Thoughts on GJ-bu

Ever since reading Marow’s opinion on GJ-bu, my interest in watching this show has been aroused.  Having finished it, I find myself in the curious situation of having loved this show but not knowing how to praise it.  Taking a lighthearted look at the foibles of human nature stands as the show’s best point.  After all, the club does not have a goal besides hanging out.  Shion plays online chess, Megumi makes tea and cake, Kirara eats meat, Tama waits for food which never makes her gain weight, and Kyoro–the only male in the club–reads manga as he awaits the president to bully him–or bite him for that matter.


My predilections lean toward shows rich in character, and GJ-bu excels at making interesting and memorable characters even if they don’t do much.  (As you note, I only forgot one character’s name, and that’s because everyone is always calling her bucho, i.e. president.)  Teasing each other, especially Kyoro, stands as their main hobby.  They force him to brush their hair, doll him up, and compell him to transform to “Ore-otoko,” where he pretends to be a tough guy for a short time, sending shivers of delight up the girls’ spines.  Not sure if that sounds interesting to you.  In my own case, a room full of people teasing each other sounds like home.  It also helped that Shion’s chess junkie ways and Megumi’s tea connoisseurship made me identify with these two characters very easily.  But, watch episode one and see what you think.

No, Shion.  Q-K1 and then QxQ checkmate.  Don't be lazy when playing against yourself!

No, Shion. Q-K1 and then QxQ checkmate. Don’t be lazy when playing against yourself!


As a side note, it pleased me that all of the characters had siblings–even large families.  (Shion has at least eight brothers for example–perhaps more!)  As you know, Japan has a declining population, and this seems reflected in so many characters being only children or even just living alone.  So, it is nice to see a show where family was of such importance, especially in much of the comedy.

Kirara's sister is probably the cutest of the characters' siblings, especially how she delivers these lines in English.

Kirara’s sister is probably the cutest of the characters’ siblings, especially how she delivers these lines in English.


Anyway, I’m finished describing–or, rather, attempting to describe–the joys of GJ-buGJ-bu is a show to be experienced and enjoyed rather than read and written about.  Do yourself the pleasure of picking up this show on a rainy day.


Can't not include a picture of the only male in the cast!

Can’t not include a picture of the only male in the cast!

6 comments on ““Stop spinning my maid without my permission”: Thoughts on GJ-bu

  1. David A says:

    Ah, I remember that one. I didn’t finished it.

    What i didn’t liked, the twister scene and Kirara getting drunk and licking/kissing the other girls. I wonder why include such things in a slice of life show.


    • It’s too bad that you didn’t finish that one. I think of GJ-bu as one of the least offensive shows I know. Even the twister scene and the drunken licking were more amusing than anything else. One of the best parts of the twister scene is Shion’s succinct reason for losing: “I saw the clear road to victory, but it would have required me to take an embarrassing posture. But, I could have won.” xD And all the other characters are about as modest.

      And, one must be forgiving of drunks, but Kisara licking and planting a kiss on the girls seemed less yuri and more like a Great Dane heaping affection on its diminutive owners who are quite unable to bring it under control.


  2. Foxfier says:

    Reblogged this on Head Noises and commented:
    I gotta put this on my “watch some time” list.


  3. Meiji says:

    I already have this bookmarked, guess I’ll have to watch it some time (ღ˘◡˘ღ) ♫
    It sounds like a cute show ~(o v o~ *)


  4. […] so I absolutely love watching the conflicts on the board.  The positions actually make sense–unlike chess positions in anime–and are pretty complex.  I often pause while watching an episode to examine the board and […]


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