Gin no Saji and the many worries of Hachiken

Here is a great article on Hachiken, the protagonist of Gin no Saji. I might have to watch this show now. 🙂



Hachiken has gradually grown and matured as a character during the first, and now second seasons of Gin no Saji, he has taken a proactive approach to his life by attending Yezo Agricultural High School, despite having no knowledge or experience of working in agriculture. Watching Hachiken come to terms with the idea of killing animals for food – an obvious fact, but one that is kept at a distance by most consumers who appear to take the various cuts of meat, and other meat products for granted – thus beginning to understand the realities of working on a farm. Furthermore, we see Hachiken change the way he views school work, as he may be very good at studying within the rigid, and predictable Japanese exam system, but he has little, and in some cases no real knowledge of the physical labour required to keep a farm running. These discoveries…

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2 comments on “Gin no Saji and the many worries of Hachiken

  1. Kai says:

    I don’t see anything… xD


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