Basically Free of Summer 2024 Anime

To say that none of the anime of summer 2024 catches my eye would be a lie, but I only feel invested in Sengoku Youko. This gives me a chance to revisit some old favorites and catch up on my backlog. Here is a list of OVAs, ranging from one to five episodes, which have caught my eye while scrolling through Anime-Planet:

  1. Birdy the Mighty (1996)
  2. Black Lion (1992)
  3. Blood Reign: Curse of the Yoma (1989)
  4. Battle Angel Alita (1993)
  5. Bubblegum Crash (1991)
  6. Blue Sonnet (1989)
  7. Elf Princess Rane (1995)
  8. Gestalt (1997)
  9. Yume de Aetara (1998)
  10. Makaryuudo: Demon Hunter (1989)
  11. Tattoon Master (1996)

Can you tell that I’ve missed 90’s anime? That decade has my favorite style of animation. Next, there are about four anime series which I want to revisit:

  1. Scrapped Princess (2003)
  2. Le Chevalier D’Eon (2006)
  3. Crest of the Stars (1999)
  4. Noir (2001)

Here are four anime series which I want to try out:

  1. Shirobako (2014)
  2. The Apothecary Diaries (2023)
  3. Snow White with the Red Hair (2015)
  4. Yozakura Quartet (2008)

Yes, I decided to give The Apothecary Diaries another shot. I hope to turn out some good posts on these and maybe interest you in some anime you’ve never heard of. Wish me luck in this and in wrapping up the present season of anime. I ended up dropping one more series because it lost its way and became boring: Salad Bowl of Eccentrics. That and all of the focus on how delicious and strangely non-crunchy grasshoppers are. I don’t need an anime encouraging me to “eat ze bugs.” Is anyone else out there as disappointed as I am in the upcoming summer 2024 season?

2 comments on “Basically Free of Summer 2024 Anime

  1. momomanamu says:

    Wow, the OVA’s and blasts from the past, that you have planned for your Summer viewing look awesome! Scrapped Princess is a really good series, Snow White with the Red Hair was pretty good too. Some times it’s actually really good to have a season in which none of the seasonal releases look that good, because it gives you much needed time to hit that backlog of anime and really explore different series that you might have missed before. I hope you have lots of fun enjoying your 90’s-tastic Summer!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks! I sure will enjoy looking at these old anime. More recent anime often have a “mass produced” feel to them–especially when you think about half of all anime in existence being made after 2011. The winter and spring seasons were rather good this year, so I am happy to take a season off, as it were.

      Happy to meet another fan of Scrapped Princess! That is a real classic. The author of the light novels is Ichiro Sakaki, who is a household name in Japan. The last story I know he worked on is Chaika the Coffin Princess. I have heard many good things about Snow White with the Red Hair. May the good reviews of it all be confirmed!

      Liked by 1 person

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