Medieval Otaku’s Fourth Anniversary!


Well, my blog and I are both a year older.  To celebrate, I purchased the liquor closest in age which I could afford: Flor de Cana 18.  (Alright, that is not close to my age really, but it is at least more than half it, which is more than can be said for most liquor.). Would that I could share it with all of my dear readers! 


Indeed, without your commentary, likes, and even just simply reading, I would cease to blog (as D. M. Dutcher, author of Cocao, Put Down the Shovel! and Triune, has unfortunately done) and become a pure bookworm.  And, I’d like to also thank those who have contacted me through IM (especially the folks at Beneath the Tangles and David A) and e-mail.  Amusingly, I recently had a high school student e-mail me asking whether I could help answer a couple of questions for a school project on anime.  I suppose being an anime enthusiast for thirteen years and aniblogger for four qualifies one for such things. 🙂


What shall you see in this new year?  I have been wanting to review some spiritual and medieval books to offer for your perusal, so I shall try to get back into that.  Also, I wish to be more disciplined about writing my opinions on the beginning, middle, and end of contemporary anime seasons.  Above all, I want to spend more time reading others’ posts.  Life can be busy, but nothing so enlivens blogging as fully participating in the great aniblogging community.


There you have my general resolutions for another year.  Happy blogging to you all!

14 comments on “Medieval Otaku’s Fourth Anniversary!

  1. David A says:


    God bless you!


  2. a991807 says:

    Happy Birthday! May you have many more!


  3. Happy birthday to you and your blog!! Four years is quite the accomplishment, so cheers!


  4. Arria Cross says:

    Oh my gosh. 4 years? That’s awesome. Congrats! Looking forward to reading more of your posts from here on.


  5. A belated happy birthday! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  6. MIB says:

    Happy Anniversary! 🙂 My blog will be four years old too on the 15th! 😀


  7. […] readers.  Medieval Otaku has entered its fifth year of existence!  Usually, I would point out my plans for the coming months, but certain urgent matters occupy my attention such that I don’t want to set anything […]


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