Spooky October: Lita’s Top Ten Anime Halloween Recommendations

A very solid list of anime to watch for Halloween.

hall 2Why…

Hello there my pretties,
Finally this weekend is Halloween not that I’ll be doing much for it mostly likely rewatching shiki or ghost hunt and some Buffy the Vampire slayer because It’s something I need in my life. My spooky October is going to come to an end after this post as I have not done half the things I wanted to do this month, things got in the way and blogging in the week is really hard currently. I managed to give at least two anime reviews I suppose but things will return to normal after this post as there is many more things I wish to blog about more.

In this final spooky post I bring you some anime’s that you should watch during the Halloween weekend, this list of anime I have seen all of them and are not ranked in any particular order. There are…

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2 comments on “Spooky October: Lita’s Top Ten Anime Halloween Recommendations

  1. LitaKino says:

    Awww thankyou for reblogging I was not expecting and I bet you weren’t expecting this either muahhhh



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