Reflections on an Atheist’s Prayer

District of Calamity

As a person of faith, it can be frustrating to intellectually engage  with atheists as their attitude is often smarmy, zealous, intolerantly proselytizing anti-religion.   So it was a pleasure to come across a post by “The Irish Atheist“, who had converted his horror of the war in Syria to compose “An Atheist’s Prayer“.  

In reproducing this creedal cri-de-couer, a bit of the phrasing has been modified to make it more universal– I hope that does not cause disfellowship.

I will not advocate war, because I will not support killing others to bring peace.

I will respect the government I helped elect, even when I do not agree with their decisions. I will always remember that I speak with both my voice and my vote.

I will take the time to educate myself on what is happening in the world around me. I will…

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