1st Anniversary Post!

Well, I cannot let an occasion like this pass by without comment.  Seeing an odd symbol on the notification icon, I began to wonder if I had done something wrong or angered a fellow blogger in some manner.  But, it turned out to be a trophy sign indicating that I have been blogging for one year on wordpress.  This is also the 100th post, my birthday, the Feast of St. Vincent Ferrer, and the birthday of Thomas Hobbes so there seems to be many things to celebrate.

St. Vincent Ferrer

St. Vincent Ferrer

Thomas Hobbes

Thomas Hobbes

I would like to thank all my dear readers who trudge through my many lackluster posts which clutter this blog waiting patiently for a few gems to drop from my pen and continue to follow me even though three weeks or more often pass between posts.  Without your support, I could never have maintained this blog.  So, I’d like to briefly describe what you might see here in the future–i.e. in addition to what you read a month earlier.


Reviews of tea, beer, and other fine drinks have not been attempted since November 13, 2013.  I’d like to bring that back.  As a matter of fact, I’ll be heading to the 821 Cafe in Richmond, which I’m told has a wide variety of great craft beer.  I’ll be sure to keep some tasting notes in mind.  As for tea, my present penury makes reviewing top notch tea an ideal for the distant future when the summer will allow me to earn a steady stream of income.  However, you might see reviews of some cheap stuff and there are still three great teas for review in my collection.

Social / Drinking Party

Otherwise, here’s a list of some more tentative posts:

1.  On The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame

2. On St. Leo the Great’s Sermons and St. Jerome’s Sermons on the Psalms

3. On Olympus has Fallen

4. On Shakespeare’s The Tempest

5. A Review probably making fun of a little known fantasy anime called Y’s

6.  On Cicero’s and/or Demosthenes’ Philippics

Well, including my other list, that’s more than enough to keep me busy, don’t you think?  I’ll try to punch one of them out before being thrown back in the college grind.

9 comments on “1st Anniversary Post!

  1. Genki Jason says:

    Happy anniversary! It’s not everyday you read an aniblog with Thomas Hobbes. Now trying to work him into a review would be interesting.


    • Thanks! If I were to work in Thomas Hobbes into a review, it would probably be in a review of Jyu Oh Sei. (Big spoiler to follow shortly. If you have not seen it and have any intention of watching Jyu Oh Sei, please stop reading now.)

      I would quote, after the protagonist’s brother dies quite horribly and early in the show, that “Life in a state of nature is nasty, brutish, and short as explicitly seen in the demise of our hero’s twin brother.”


      • Genki Jason says:

        I haven’t seen it and I might watch it 😉


      • Oh, you definitely should! It’s one of my favorite sci-fi anime, and, with only 11 episodes, the series lacks any fluff. The only think I can fault it for is how depressing it can get, but Jyu Oh Sei is an incredibly original show.

        And then, you can come back and read the spoiler of how I’d work Thomas Hobbes into the review. 🙂


  2. circlecitadel says:

    Happy birthday/anniversary! 😀


  3. TWWK says:

    Happy birthday, anniversary, and 100th post! Here’s to many more (birthdays and otherwise)!


  4. […] The Medieval Otaku, frequently featured in this column, celebrated both his 100th post and one year blogging anniversarythis past week.  Congratulations! [Medieval Otaku] […]


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